New FAA Administrator

Acting, at least. Slipped in at the bottom of a list of last-minute appointments to things like the Holocaust Memorial Council and the President’s Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, is the notice that as of January 16, Lynne Osmus, a career FAA employee, will be the agency's Acting Administrator. She was chief of staff to two FAA Administrators appointed by Bill Clinton, David Hinson and Jane Garvey. Her expertise is in security; she took over the Civil Aviation Security Program just before 9/11 and led the agency's post-9/11 response, as well as the transition of airport security functions over to TSA. It's not clear yet where she stands on the hot-button issue of bargaining rights for FAA employees, or the pay and work rules air traffic controllers are working under now. It'll be interesting to find out. More information as I find it.

(H/T: Alexis Simendinger)