
Transitions between administrations are always a time of immense change, but they're also an opportunity for people who are trying to advance new initiatives or agendas. Steve Ressler, the federal employee and entrepreneur who founded GovLoop, a social networking site for feds that I've mentioned a number of times in this space, isn't missing his chance to get a piece of the action. In a new press release, he's urging members of the Obama administration to sign up for accounts of their own, and check out what's going on. Ressler's tone is partially in cheek, as when he says:

"Many government employees have decided to move past the dark ages and join, the premier social network for government employees, where government prospers in the golden age."

But he's got a point. The Obama administration has made much of its plans to use its network of campaign supporters to lobby for legislation and as a conduit for information. If they're serious about using social technologies to solicit recommendations and to convey information, as they seem to have been through the transition period, with features like Your Seat at the Table on, social networking would be a great way for them to listen in on conversations taking place within the federal community. These conversations are sophisticated, and they're serious. Obama has yet to meet with a major group of federal employees, but he could send a signal by getting his appointees involved with agency intranets, and with sites like GovLoop, suggesting that his administration will listen to, and take seriously, the concerns and ideas of rank-and-file employees.