Michelle Obama Loves Feds

At least at Housing and Urban Development. From a pool report today:

The First Lady arrived at Housing and Urban Development HQ in Washington wearing a grey jacket and skirt suit with a purple top. A purple print scarf was removed before her entrance, a White House official confided.

She was introduced to crowd of quite enthusiastic HUD employees by HUD Secretary Shaun Donovan. According to the Secret Service, as relayed by the White House, the room included 800 people with a separate overflow group of another 200. As she entered, gleeful cheers and applause and lots of cameras held high. Someone called out “We love you,” and the sentiment was echoed throughout the room. She responded, “I love you.”

Mrs. Obama described her appearance as the second stop on a general tour she is making of the agencies, during which she wants to say “hello” and thank the federal workers. She urged HUD employees to rededicate themselves to their work, given the need to keep people in their homes. A transcript will follow.

Notable that before her entrance, thumping dance floor music was on to get the crowd warmed up. They didn’t need it.

If you get a visit from the First Lady, send details to me!