Roses for Whistleblowers?

Chuck Grassley really cares about whistleblowers. He cares about them so much that he's asked President Obama to hold a Rose Garden ceremony honoring them, saying:

“In exchange for risking their livelihoods to do what’s right for the good of the country, most whistleblowers are treated like skunks at a Sunday afternoon picnic and often far worse,” Grassley said. “President Obama could help to change this culture of hostility and uproot wrongdoing in government with a Rose Garden ceremony honoring whistleblowers. It would send a message from the top of the bureaucracy on down that whistleblowers should be heard and treated with rewards not reprisals.”

It seems like a really nice idea, except if folks are afraid to go because it would reveal their identities as whistleblowers. Maybe everyone could wear snazzy masks and disguises? I forsee a run on Groucho-Marx-style glasses with attached noses and moustaches.