Issa Says No to Pay Caps

The Post's Joe Davidson did a Q&A with House Oversight and Government Reform Ranking Member Darrell Issa, who said the following:

I have issues with our current pay-cap structure [for high-level civil servants], because I don't believe in pay caps. I take issue with having an employee's salary capped for the purposes of calculating your salary but not for retirement. This doesn't make sense -- if anything, these employees should be paid a full salary and have the theoretical cap apply to retirement. You should make what you earn.

Davidson didn't follow this up, but I'd be curious to see how Issa thinks pay should be assessed in the federal sector and where federal pay should be in relation to private-sector pay. Thus far, all the significant pay and benefits bills have originated from the Democratic side of the aisle in the House, or from a bipartisan cooperation between Daniel Akaka and George Voinovich in the Senate. I think it would be a good thing for debate if the Republicans were presenting more bills and proposals for how to move forward with workforce reforms.

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