Mission Statement

It's kind of hard to believe that Government Executive is 40 years old, but Tom has a really nice column in this month's issue looking back at a bit of our history. This part of it really got to me:

Government Executive was founded on the notion that the people who serve in high-ranking positions in the executive branch are worthy of being treated with the same respect and deserve the same high-quality journalism as America's corporate elite. It has been, and remains, our privilege to serve an audience whose work is so critical to the nation's future.

I will freely admit that before I came to work at GovExec I did not know a ton about how government worked, and I was more interested in the process of politics than of government. Now, I've become a total good-government bore. I'm pretty sure my friends, family, and the editors I freelance for at other publications are sick of me talking about how government management is Secretly the Most Urgent Challenge Our Nation Faces, but I'm glad for the transformation.

NEXT STORY: What You're Worth