If Kal Penn Can Take a Pay Cut...


Okay, by now it's fairly common knowledge that Kal Penn has left the hit drama "House" and will be joining the Obama administration to be associated director of the White House Office of Public Liaison. I know one office that's going to see a SERIOUS spike in calls. But Penn's good looks aside, Michael Ausiello, the amazing TV reporter at Entertainment Weekly talked to him about the decision, and Penn had this to say about public service:

AUSIELLO: Safe to say you're taking a huge pay cut?

PENN: Oh, yeah. There's not a lot of financial reward in these jobs. But, obviously, the opportunity to serve in a capacity like this is an incredible honor.

But it's hardly like Penn isn't going to be paid less than a living wage. So if a movie star can live on a government salary, it says something about how he values public service, and how folks in the private sector who are bemoaning the loss of their multi-million dollar bonuses might have slightly skewed worldviews.

NEXT STORY: Morale Up at State