IFPTE and Akaka Weighs in on Specter

International Federation of Professional and Technical Engineers president Gregory Junemann provides the first federal union feedback. Junemann represents private-sector workers as well, which probably explains the emphasis on the Employee Free Choice Act, which Specter continues to say he won't vote for:

"IFPTE has been a consistent and proud supporter of Senator Specter for many years, which is exactly why we were so disappointed by his March 24th announcement about the Employee Free Choice Act. However, today's news is positive and we at IFPTE fully support Senator Specter as he makes this transition. It certainly is clear to those of us in the labor community that Senator Specter's positions on many of the concerns facing working people have not exactly been consistent with those of his party. While IFPTE takes great strides to work with lawmakers on both sides of the aisle, it is unfortunate, but accurate that the issues of importance to working people are at odds with the broader agenda of the national Republican

leadership. While there still remain a handful of good, labor friendly Republican lawmakers in the Congress that IFPTE is proud to support and looks forward to working with, I believe that today's announcement by Senator Specter is reflective of this regrettable conflict. I understand that Senator Specter's March 24th decision on the Employee Free Choice Act has not changed yet. However, he was a supporter of the bill as far back as the 109th Congress, so we remain hopeful that with this change in parties there will also be a change of heart by the Senator with respect to that legislation. The Employee Free Choice Act is the most important bill before Congress in rebuilding America's middle-class and it is critical to working people that it become the law of land."

And Sen. Daniel Akaka, one of the Senators who focuses most on federal management issues, and who has worked productively with the ranking member on his subcommittee, Sen. George Voinovich, welcomes Specter to the party:

"Senator Specter has always been an independent thinker who puts issues ahead of party affiliation. He is a good man who cares for our country deeply. I have appreciated working with him over the last two decades and I look forward to this new chapter. Regardless of today's events, we must continue our efforts to develop bipartisan solutions to our nation's problems."

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