Liveblogging the NSPS Hearing

I'm here, trusty laptop and broadband card in hand, at the House Armed Services committee hearing on NSPS, and I'll be bringing you updates throughout the hearing. One interesting element: in its press release announcing the testimony it's submitted to the committee, the American Federation of Government Employees said its received reports that employees continue to be converted into NSPS, despite the halt on conversions while the OPM-DoD review is underway. It seems like most of the conversions they're hearing about are coming from Base Realignment and Closure processes. I don't know if some exception exists for folks who are getting BRACed, but it does seem odd that such conversions would continue. AFGE says they've told DoD that this is proof that NSPS needs to be shut down. I'm not sure what it's proof of, but it's interesting.

NEXT STORY: Fun With Numbers