Pornography and Personnel

It seems that the scandal over on-site viewing of pornography at the National Science Foundation is going to stick around as a subject for a while, courtesy the outrage of Sens. Chuck Grassley and Barbara Mikulski. I'm always curious about how you deal with people who look at pornography in the workplace, in part because I have some personal experience with that kind of situation.

(There should totally be a rim-shot noise for blogs you can employ in times like these.)

I once had a coworker (NOT at Government Executive) who looked at pornographic material on their work computer. I'd walk by this person's desk every once in a while, and it was difficult not to notice what was on the screen. This person was always fairly nonchalant about it, which seemed odd to me. I didn't feel terrifically offended or sexually harassed. I was more just surprised that anyone would actually look at porn at work, and think that it was okay or that no one would notice, or that they were going to get away with it. There are things it's borderline to do at work like check your bank account or pay your bills. And then there are things that are huge, obvious NOs. It seems so brain-deadeningly clear that porn is one of those NOs. But I guess everyone sees the world a little differently...

NEXT STORY: The FTC Attempts Coolness