TomS and Bud Learn Me on Security

I expressed some sympathy for the British counterterrorism official who lost his job for carrying a document the wrong way yesterday. But a couple of our awesome commenters explain why my sympathy is misplaced. TomS writes:

One of the first rules of handling classified information is that you use coversheets, and when acting as a courier, all classified is properly wrapped to prevent such a disclosure. He violated the simplest and most basic procedures for protecting classified information. I have no sympathy for someone in his position making such a mistake with classified, highly time-sensitive information.

And Bud chimes in:

Anyone in such a role knows - from day two at least - that you NEVER take any classified document out of the building to another location without the proper "cover", be it a secure, locked bag or whatever is dictated by your particular agency. It is NOT the kind of "unconscious mistake anyone could make" unless maybe they are in Congress or work as a political appointee. The slip does not come from pressure, it originates in either carelessness or ego. Neither of which is acceptable in our world.

Fair enough. Rules are rules, and procedures are procedures.

NEXT STORY: Adventures in Babysitting