"I'm Shocked, Schocked..."

I'm glad Gawker's Valleywag authors are digging into the backgrounds of President Obama's technology appointees, truly I am. But it seems like they're making a little bit of a mountain out of a molehill in getting upset that Chief Technology Officer Aneesh Chopra contributed $2500 to Mark Warner, who was a strong supporter of his confirmation. Chopra gave $1000 to Gerry Connolly, another strong backer of his nomination and confirmation as well. And he gave money to the Virginia Democratic Party. All in all, he made about $12,000 in contributions in the 2008 campaign cycle. In comparison, Tom Daschle made more than $71,000 in donations in the same cycle. Ari Emanuel, Rahm's brother, threw around more than $74,000 in Hollywood money. Making a lot of contributions is what you do when you would like an administration job. It's not exactly surprising. Although, for the record, John Berry gave a mere $2,300 to Obama's campaign in the whole 2008 election cycle.

NEXT STORY: Bruuuuuuuuce!