It's National Foster Care Month...

And Darrell Issa, the ranking Republican on the Oversight and Government Reform Committee just said he opposes passage of the Federal Employees Paid Parental Leave Act both because he says it would be too costly in an economic crisis, and because it would allow federal employees to take leave when they adopt a child or bring a foster child into their home, saying such an allowance could costs to mount if federal families adopt or foster new children annually.

Rep. Danny Davis pointed out the timing of Issa's opposition, and said he disagreed, especially because 34 percent of the children in his district live with someone other than their birth parents.

"I would be delighted if federal workers or any other workers were adopting one of these children every year," Davis said. "In fact, I'd give them a Medal of Honor, because there is a tremendous need for children to be adopted."

NEXT STORY: A Good Day for Good Feds