More on Millenials

I posted a couple of months ago on a Center for American Progress study of political attitudes that suggested Americans are more receptive to an expansion of government power. The liberal think tank's released some of that data broken out by age, and it suggests that younger Americans are particularly comfortable with government playing a more active role in the economy:

But wouldn't a lot of this mean a larger and stronger role for government? The Millennial generation does not seem scared by this possibility. When asked in the 2008 National Election Study whether we need a strong government to handle today's complex economic problems or whether the free market can handle these problems without government being involved, Millennials, by a margin of 78 to 22 percent, demonstrated an overwhelming preference for strong government.

I suggested back in March that a new friendliness towards government was an opportunity to gain support for resources where they're needed. As these survey results make clear, it's also an opportunity to woo new recruits.

NEXT STORY: "I'm Shocked, Schocked..."