Quote of the Week

"The tree of liberty grows but in one direction--by adding rings. it is that miraculous quality that has produced the proud sheltering and living tree whose branches have withstood the lightning strike of secession and the gale force winds of fascism and communism. The rings of that tree are nourished by honesty and truth, warmed by love and justice, and rooted in respect and dignity. It is my belief that Frank Kameny's fight to hold a job he did well and the passionate fight for dignity and respect that began at Stonewall were not isolated events. They were in fact the formation of a new ring of life on the American tree of liberty.


In the years before he died, my father told me that he didn't know what all the fuss about gays in the military was about. He said 'we didn't call 'em gays--but they were there and they died as bravely as everyone else."


My family has never known divorce. My first partner of 10 years died after a protracted and grueling bout with AIDS that reduced a 6'2" athlete to 90 pounds at his death. I was his primary caregiver--and I held him in my arms as he died. I would have gladly traded my lie for his that night, just as I would do so now for my current partner of 12 years if ever need be. Were we married? No, but I dare anyone to say we were not in love. I was blessed by two supportive families and dear friends who honored our relationship. If I hadn't been--I shudder to think--because no power on earth could have kept me from his side.

Again, I ask: where do you stand? Honoring love as precious and true wherever you find it, or with those who would demean or deny it? I urge you. Stand where you can be proud. Stand with service and truth. Stand with love. Stand for liberty and justice for all."

-Office of Personnel Management Director John Berry speaking at the Justice Department on June 10

NEXT STORY: Want to Redesign Recovery.gov?