Shane Harris Is Psychic

Remember that recruiting program I blogged about in May, where the C.I.A. is looking for a few good former investment bankers? Shane Harris, National Journal's intelligence correspondent and a good friend of FedBlog, predicted it last year: He wrote:

Obama ran into trouble with his "Intelligence for the 21st Century" plan, which critics said favored hiring analysts and policy wonks over clandestine operatives. Obama pointed out that advances in surveillance technology and unmanned aerial vehicles had kept terrorists on the run, but that analysts were leaving in frighteningly high numbers. The intelligence community managed to keep its recruitment numbers high through targeted advertisements aimed at business school graduates. They also tapped into a huge pool of unemployed but highly skilled financial analysts, who found themselves in need of steady work after the 2009 implosion in the over-the-counter derivatives market.

Seem far-fetched? Right on the money? Somewhere in between? We'll all find out soon enough.