Shooting at the Holocaust Museum

Two people--a security guard, and the gunman himself--were injured in a shooting at the Holocaust Museum early this afternoon. The U.S. Park Service is handling the response. My friend Dana Goldstein is reporting over at The American Prospect that the shooter has a long record of white supremacist publications, and served time in jail for trying to perform a citizens' arrest on members of the Federal Reserve Board. (He also, apparently, had a testy and unpleasant correspondents with novelist Tom Clancy). In light of this shooting, and the assassination of abortion provider and doctor George Tiller in Kansas, the Department of Homeland Security's report on domestic extremists, which engendered so much ill-will when it was released, looks unfortunately prescient, on the subject of domestic terror broadly if not in its comments about the recruitment of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans.

Updated: My colleague Mark Blumenthal has a personal remembrance of the museum that's well-worth reading. And he reports, sadly, that the guard who was shot has died.

NEXT STORY: Recovery Overload