In Agreement

Federally Employed Women announced today that they've signed an agreement with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission to work together on issues surrounding the recruitment, retention, and career opportunities for women within the agency. This isn't the first such memo that FEW has signed with an agency: they put a similar agreement in place last fall with the Agriculture Department's Food Safety Inspection Service. I'd be interested in seeing how FEW's efforts, and EEOC's participation in this memorandum, interact with the broader morale problems at EEOC. I haven't seen any data suggesting that women at EEOC feel particularly demoralized or overworked or stymied in advancement, or anything like that, but that may simply be because no one's been asking questions in that direction. Given that EEOC is hoping to staff up over the next couple of years, this seems like a good opportunity for FEW to advance some of its goals during a hiring surge.