Swine Flu Redux

DHS, HHS and Commerce today announced new CDC guidance for employees on preparing for the upcoming flu season, particularly given the concern about swine flu/H1N1.

Agency officials said it is not known whether the swine flu will make for a worse-than-usual flu season, but the CDC is encouraging preparedness nonetheless. Employers' plans should encourage employees with flu-like symptoms or illness to stay home, address the potential for operating with reduced staffing and possibly having employees who are at higher risk of serious medical complications from infection work from home.

The CDC also recommends that employers encourage seasonal flu vaccination as well as the H1N1 vaccination when that vaccine becomes available.

The federal guidance also addresses the importance of common sense actions such as regular and frequent hand washing and routine cleaning of commonly touched surfaces. Unlike every cable news network, the CDC did not suggest employers force their workers to singe the Happy Birthday song twice while washing their hands.

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