Carrying Over

I thought the New York Times profile of Defense Secretary Robert Gates this morning was useful (And not only because I always enjoy seeing shout-out to procurement reform in mainstream news outlets.) both in explaining in how Gates has shaped policy on a wide range of defense-related issues, and in showing how having to serve two very different administrations has shaped his positions. I don't know that there's a case to be made for having certain cabinet positions be term appointments that cross administrations. I do understand the need and the desire for presidents to be able to shift policy that that level, and shifting those positions from appointments to terms would be complicated and restricting. But I think Gates' experience speaks to the value of people who are able to make good policy in multiple administrations. There aren't a lot of people who have the credibility to be chosen by one administration and be retained by another from another party, but it does seem like it would be good to be able to draw on that sort of accumulated wisdom and experience.