No Joke

It's always strange to me when someone thinks that a subpoena or a request from a federal agency just doesn't apply to them or isn't something they have to comply with. But apparently, the head of a health care company called ShoreKare thought he could do precisely that with a couple of Equal Employment Opportunity Commission subpoenas, and got hauled into court by Federal Marshals because of it. And he's going to have to reimburse the EEOC for the cost of using said marshals. I'm sure there are any number of reasons he thought this was okay; the subpoenas were administrative, so maybe he thought they didn't have legal weight? Maybe someone in his office received the subpoenas and thought the EEOC didn't have jurisdiction, or something? Either way, it takes a staggering lack of knowledge or fairly deep-seated contempt not to comply with such requests and to end up in this situation. It's too bad the lesson that the EEOC is a authority whose requests you have to comply with had to be delivered in this particular manner.