So You Want to be an Administrative Law Judge?

The Office of Personnel Management put out a notice today that they'll be listing openings for Administrative Law Judge positions on shortly. The announcement was a warning to be quick if you want to be able to take the exams that qualify you for the jobs:

Due to the overwhelming volume of applications OPM expects to receive, the number of applications the agency will accept for processing will be determined on the basis of projected government-wide hiring needs. OPM will announce the limit at the time the examination opens to applicants. Completed applications will be accepted in the order they are received until 11:59 p.m. (EST) the day in which the limit has been reached.

In the last round, OPM got 600 applications in two days. So ready your resumes, folks. The starter's gun is cocked and ready to fire, even if we don't know exactly when it'll go off.