Errors In Long Term Care Letters

71,600 federal employees enrolled in the Federal Long Term Care Insurance Program will be receiving letters from Long Term Care Partners, their insurance provider, that contain errors in their benefits calculations. The company, at the request of the Office of Personnel Management, will be sending out letters informing those 71,600 enrollees that they've made mistakes, and in December, will send them personalized letters with the correct information in the Benefit Amount" section. In the interim, enrollees can call Long Term Care Partners at 1-800-582-3337, and OPM is extending the deadline for making enrollment switches to March 15, 2010, for those employees.

It's the second time OPM has had to extend the enrollment deadline for participants in FLTCIP this year. They already pushed back the deadline for plan participants until February 15, 2010, after some enrollees found themselves facing rate hikes they say they'd been promised wouldn't happen. And it's clear that OPM leaders aren't happy.

"Getting accurate, easy to understand information to our enrollees in a timely manner is my top priority," OPM Director John Berry said in a statement released by the agency on Thursday night. "All companies participating in this program must take steps to ensure that similar errors are avoided in the future."

The full OPM press release appears after the jump.