More On Implementing Health Care Reform

The IBM Center has a good post up on riffing on some of my thoughts about health care implementation, and taking them a bit further. Among their suggestions:

There are a number of implementation issues that do not depend on policy options (such as whether there is a public option, or state exchanges, etc). For example, it is not too soon to be thinking about things such as (a) identifying a small cadre of successful career civil servants who have the experience of leading large efforts, (b) creating expedited hiring authorities for new functions being created in legislation, or (c) developing new approaches to speed up regulatory development and implementation for statutory provisions to be "implemented immediately." As Rosenberg notes, there probably are lessons to be learned from the stand-up of TSA and the implementation of the Medicare Part D prescription drug benefit.

They'll be blogging there about the National Academy for Public Administration's meeting on health care reform as a management challenge over the next couple of days. Those posts should be well worth checking out.

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