New Review, Same Results, For Oshkosh

By Robert Brodsky

The Army announced Friday that it had affirmed a massive $3 billion contract, first made last summer, to Oshkosh Corp. for its Family of Medium Tactical Vehicles.

The military originally awarded the contract to Oshkosh in August but three competitors--BAE Systems, Tactical Vehicles LP and Navistar, LLC--filed protests with the Government Accountability Office.

In December, the GAO sustained portions of the protest and recommended that the Army re-evaluate one aspect of the bidders' proposals, conduct a new evaluation of Navistar's past performance and make a new source selection decision. From Dec. 21, 2009 through Jan. 22, 2010, the Army re-evaluated the proposals. A peer review team within the Office of the Secretary of Defense affirmed the Army's re-evaluation process.

The review, however, did little to change the results. Last week, the Army announced that Oshkosh had been awarded a competitive, five-year requirements contract for production of up to 12,415 trucks, 10,926 trailers and related support and engineering services.

NEXT STORY: Two Hour Delay