Open Government at OPM

Yesterday, the Office of Personnel Management launched its new OpenOPM website, where it will release things like Freedom of Information Act Reports and publicly track progress towards transparency goals. So far, most of the information that's up on the site is procedural, listing when the agency picked officials who will be responsible for releasing spending information, or positing dates for incorporating public feedback on the design of the site. But they've got the name and number of the person who will be responsible for answering questions about transparency issues at OPM. I haven't tried calling yet to see if it's a direct dial, but if any of y'all do, report back. And I'm looking forward to playing around with FedScope to see what I find in the employment data there. As I've said before, transparency is as much a matter of legibility as of access to data. But getting the data out there, and naming the people responsible for access to it, is a start.