Planning for Snow in DC Tomorrow

The Office of Personnel Management has already moved to declare that agencies in the Washington, DC area will be open under an unscheduled leave policy tomorrow, as heavy snow moves into the region. In addition, OPM Director John Berry sent a memo to Chief Human Capital Officers outlining a range of other options for managing the federal workforce during the storm, including:

* Permit employees at your agencies under a telework agreement to telework tomorrow. This severe weather forecast presents a key opportunity for agencies to test their telework plans in the context of emergency preparedness.

* Allow employees on alternative work schedules (AWS) to schedule their AWS day off or use credit hours (if available) tomorrow.

* Advise your employees now that OPM will be announcing the Government will operate on an unscheduled leave policy tomorrow. For planning purposes, employees should advise their supervisors as soon as possible if they plan to take annual leave, compensatory time off, credit hours, or leave without pay tomorrow.