Initial Labor Reactions to TSA Nomination

Pres. Obama has nominated Deputy FBI Director John Pistole to head the Transportation Security Administration, his third crack at tapping someone to head the agency. Federal employees unions immediately reacted positively, while noting that they would need to dig deeper into his background.

"The Senate needs to move quickly to ensure that a qualified person is selected to run TSA," said John Gage, national president of The American Federation of Government Employees.

An AFGE spokeswoman said Pistole "appears to be qualified" but that the union is still trying to learn more about him.

National Treasury Employees Union President Colleen Kelley said NTEU is looking forward to learning more about Pistole's record and stressed the importance of getting a permanent TSA administrator in place.

"TSA needs a permanent leader so it can deal effectively with its transportation protection responsibilities," Kelley said. "In addition, there are multiple and continuing workplace issues that have been deferred pending nomination and confirmation of a full-time administrator. I am hopeful that confirmation of a permanent administrator will serve as the linchpin in the necessary steps to TSA becoming the world-class professional transportation protection agency our nation needs and deserves."