Undercover Activist Turns Attention to Census Pay Policies

Conservative muckraking undercover videographer James O'Keefe -- who got famous last with his infiltration of the offices of community organizing association ACORN and Sen. Mary Landrieu, D-La. -- is at it again, and this time his target is the Census Bureau.

The Washington Post's Ed O'Keefe (no relation to James) reports today on James O'Keefe's release of hidden camera footage showing training sessions for temporary Census workers in New Jersey, where he was hired on April 27. O'Keefe says he and other temp employees were ordered to fill out identical time sheets for training sessions that included hours when they did not actually work.

The fact that O'Keefe secretly taped the training sessions and his discussions with supervisors about the pay issue may come back to haunt him. A Census Bureau official told Ed O'Keefe that such action appears to violate Commerce Department policies.

NEXT STORY: A Transparent, Accountable Mascot