Sherrod Taking Her Time on USDA Job Offer

Shirley Sherrod is a very busy person these days. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack verbally offered her a job last week, after unceremoniously ousting her because he thought an excerpt of a speech she made indicated she was a racist. Then he sent along a formal offer in writing, according to CBS News. But while Sherrod says she finally got a chance to look at the offer this morning, she still hasn't fully read it through yet.

The position is deputy director of the Office of Advocacy and Outreach at USDA. The office, authorized in the 2008 farm bill, is designed to "increase access to programs of the department, and increase the viability and profitability of small farms and ranches, beginning farmers or ranchers, and socially disadvantaged farmers or ranchers," according to this budget document. OAO is separate from USDA's Office of Civil Rights.

(Hat tip: Federal Eye)

NEXT STORY: Happy Birthday, Bureaucracy!