Obama to Troops on Retroactive Pay: Go For It

Under a law passed last year, members of the uniformed military whose service in Iraq or Afghanistan was extended under 'stop loss' provisions are eligible for $500 per month in retroactive pay for each month their service was extended. The problem is, tens of thousands of them have not applied for the payments -- which the White House says average $3,700 -- and the deadline is Oct. 21.

Now, to get the word out, the Obama administration has gone right to the top. In a video posted on the White House blog, the president himself urges eligible service members to apply for the benefit:

From Obama's message:

As your commander in chief, I'm here to tell you that this is no gimmick or trick. You worked hard. You earned this money. It doesn't matter whether you were active or reserve, whether you're a veteran who experienced stop loss or the survivor of a service member who did. If your service was extended, you're eligible.

Service members and veterans can apply for the benefit at www.defense.gov/stoploss/.

NEXT STORY: Army Insourcing: The Figures