Burning Question: Would you rally to defend government?

This weekend, there's a march on Washington to send America a message: "Government doesn't suck."

There's certainly no shortage of anti-government sentiment in the air these days. Poll after poll after poll shows many Americans think government is too big and too ineffective, and that federal employees are overpaid and underworked.

Now one group of government employees is trying to reverse the trend, with a good old-fashioned protest march. GovLoop is organizing a rally centered around the theme "Government Doesn't Suck." It takes place Saturday, Oct. 30, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the National Mall, starting at the north end of the Air and Space Museum.

The idea is gather a group of government supporters to march as a group to join the Rally to Restore Sanity sponsored by Comedy Central's Jon Stewart, host of "The Daily Show."

"There will be t-shirts, signs, reasonable indignation and, most importantly, a platform for us to rally around the mantra that 'Government Doesn't Suck,' " the event's organizers say.

As mantras go, that may seem like setting the bar a bit low. But in this day and age, maybe it's just being realistic.

Government Doesn't Suck!

Burning Question is a recurring feature that looks at key issues and compelling stories being explored at other publications and social media sites.

NEXT STORY: Cabinet Full of Nobel Winners