FEHBP Rates Up an Average of 7.2 Percent

From the Office of Personnel Management:

  • "Premiums for the 2011 Federal Employes Health Benefits Program will rise by an average 7.2 percent for the enrollee share of premiums. This increase is below last year's premium increase of 8.8 percent and lower than rate hikes predicted for large, employer-sponsored health programs by benefit consultants such as Aon, Milliman, and Price Waterhouse Coopers, which are estimating 2011 premium increases between 8.9 percent and 10.5 percent."
  • "Enrollees with self-only coverage will pay, on average, $5.53 more each pay period and enrollees with family coverage will pay $11.45 more per pay period. FEHB enrollees pay, on average, 30 percent of the total cost of the plan's premium while the government pays 70 percent."

More details coming soon.

NEXT STORY: A Lack of Support for Civilians