Rally or No Rally, Some Still Think Government Sucks

They say there's no such thing as bad publicity. The organizers of the Government Doesn't Suck rally this weekend on the Mall better hope so, because (not surprisingly given the curent political climate), some folks are calling attention to the effort in a less than supportive way.

On both his blog and Fox News this week, conservative blogger and commentator Greg Gutfeld relentlessly mocked the march, saying it was organized by people "fed up with their reputations as loafers and losers" as a "reaction to the nearly universal disgust we have for people who ride desks in government."

"Remember this," Gutfeld added. "If you ever have to organize a rally to tell people you're cool, chances are you're not. It's like throwing your own birthday party. So instead, stay home and thank God you've got a job for now, because if the public ever needed a reason to shrink government, you're it."


See the video below (and remember people, I'm not here to endorse, just to report what's being said out there):

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