How's That Deficit Cutting Coming?

This is the kind of thing that just takes all the fun out of taking over leadership of a house of Congress. reports:

House Republicans weren't asking for it, but the Congressional Budget Office is giving it: an estimate that repealing the health care law would likely increase the deficit over the next decade by about $230 billion. In a letter to House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, CBO Director Doug Elmendorf said a more detailed analysis was coming, but the office wanted to provide lawmakers with the preliminary analysis before its scheduled vote to repeal the law this Wednesday. Elmendorf's shop also estimated that if the law were repealed, "about 32 million fewer nonelderly people would have health insurance in 2019, leaving a total of about 54 million nonelderly people uninsured."

Update, 4:37 p.m.: Boehner dismisses CBO's estimate.