Play of the Day -- Jon Stewart on Solyndra: 'That custom-tailored Obama scandal you ordered is finally here'

A daily roundup of late-night video.

"The Daily Show" jumped on the Solyndra bandwagon, mocking the administration's full-on embrace of the now-failed solar energy company, which received more than $500 million in stimulus money. "This 'scandal' would only be exploitable if the president had made this one particular company the poster child for the [green-energy] program," Jon Stewart said on Thursday. He then played clips of Obama touring the facility and touting the company. "Oops," Stewart said. Don't miss today's Must See Moment at 1:32 when Jimmy Kimmel presents "This Week in Unnecessary Censorship" staring Obama, Newt Gingrich, Dick Cheney and Jon Huntsman: