Play of the Day -- Would Herman Cain kick it with Brad Pitt?

A daily roundup of late-night video.

The latest presidential debate was fodder for late-night jokes on Tuesday. In light of National Coming Out Day, Jimmy Kimmel presented a debate segment in which all of the Republican candidates were challenged on their (personal) views on gay rights. "You've all taken positions against gay rights but let's be honest," the faux moderator said to the candidates. "If Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie would have come up to you and offer you a night of one-on-one homosexual passion, how many of you would go for it?" Watch to see who raises their hands. And don't miss today's Must See Moment at 2:30 where you can see where Rick Santorum was really seated in last night's presidential debate:

NEXT STORY: Backing a Whistleblower at SEC