Play of the Day -- Super committee is superbad and Congress asks if pizza is a vegetable

A daily roundup of late-night video.

mocked the lack of progress from the super committee charged with coming up with a plan to reduce the deficit. "If we are going to achieve that deficit reduction, we are going to need a hero," Jon Stewart joked. Enter the super committee -- "a group of 12 lawmakers who gained their powers after having been bitten by a radioactive accountant and are now called upon to slash our deficits." But things for the Justice League, er, congressional panel aren't going so ... super, Stewart observes. Watch to see which lawmaker's super power is "talking too much." And don't miss today's Must See Moment at 0:36 when Jimmy Kimmel presents the Unintentional Joke of the Day courtesy of a city council member visiting the Occupy Wall Street protest in Los Angeles:
The Daily Show