Play of the Day -- The Grinch who stole Herman Cain's Christmas; Plus: Blitzer beatboxes!

A daily roundup of late-night video.

Jon Stewart reflected on President Obama's Thanksgiving address on The Daily Show on Monday. In the YouTube video, the president didn't mention God, which became fodder for criticism from pundits on the right. "Seriously? Failing to mention God in your Thanksgiving address? Not a huge Thanksgiving faux pas," Stewart said. "I could understand if instead of pardoning two male turkeys he had married them." And with Thanksgiving, the holiday season has officially begun. "In fact, today I saw Herman Cain wearing his mistletoe belt buckle, " Jay Leno joked. Don't miss today's Must See Moment at 3:56 where Jimmy Kimmel presents a mash-up of Wolf Blitzer's Monday interview with Cain and The Grinch Who Stole Christmas:

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