Caroline Eibl/Shutterstock.com
Our crack research team at Government Executive is in the midst of the largest study they've ever conducted. It involves assessing employee engagement across the federal government -- that is, how involved employees are in their work and how enthusiastic they are about it.
Here's where you come in: We want to make sure that all agencies are represented in the survey, and that means getting a lot of people to participate. Already, more than 15,000 employees have completed the survey.
If you're one of those people, then thanks for your help. If you're not, we'd greatly appreciate it if you would take five minutes and fill out the survey. The higher the participation rate, the more useful conclusions we can draw from the data -- and share with you.
Click here to complete the employee engagement survey
(Image via Caroline Eibl/Shutterstock.com)
NEXT STORY: Is Filibuster Reform Still Possible?