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Federal Employees Really, Really Like Their Health Benefits

Survey shows near unanimous support for FEHBP.

Federal employees are happy with their health care benefits.

Ecstatic, in fact.

A new survey from Morning Consult shows near across-the-board satisfaction with the Federal Employees Health Benefits Program. Nearly 100 percent of respondents—99 percent, to be exact—said they are satisfied with their health care coverage under FEHBP.

About 97 percent of respondents—both current employees and retirees—said they are satisfied with the number of plan options in the program, while 96 percent are satisfied with the value of their plan.

FEHBP enrollees will pay an average of 3.8 percent more toward their health care premiums in 2015, which the Office of Personnel Management has called a relatively low increase.

At least three-quarters of respondents are either “very” or “extremely” satisfied with their coverage across the three categories. Not a single respondent answered “not at all satisfied.”

Morning Consult conducted the survey of 500 current or retired federal employees from Nov. 1 to 13. The margin of error is 4.4 percent.

(Image via Syda Productions/