
New analysis shows U.S. staff are underrepresented at the UN

Despite being the top contributor to the United Nations, the GAO found that the number of American citizen employees at certain agencies fell short of geographic representation targets set by the international organization.


Agencies’ best tool in closing talent gaps: Diversity, equity and inclusion

COMMENTARY | By keeping DEI at the heart of recruitment and retention strategies, government leaders can address some of the complex challenges our country faces day in and out.


A Q&A with state Sen. Jarrett Coleman

Coleman talks all things economic development, including his bill to create a regulatory sandbox in Pennsylvania.


Improving economic development in PA continues to face hurdles

Everyone – Republicans, Democrats, the private sector – agrees it’s crucial to the stature’s short-term and long-term success. But there is precious little agreement on how to make it happen.


Future tense: The Shapiro administration tries to plan the state economy over the next decade

How the administration’s new economic development strategy can impact the state’s outlook depends on who’s doing the talking.


Pushing back on congestion pricing

An interview with Kenneth Zebrowski, chair of the Assembly Committee on Corporations, Authorities and Commissions.


Keeping tabs on the MTA’s budget and policies

An interview with state Sen. Leroy Comrie, chair of the Committee on Corporations, Authorities and Commissions.


Leading New York’s transit improvements and capital projects

An interview with Jamie Torres-Springer, president of MTA Construction and Development


‘We have to get ridership back:’ An argument for why congestion pricing will happen

In an interview with City & State, Metropolitan Transportation Authority CEO Janno Lieber discusses why the controversial tolling program will ultimately win over New Yorkers.


New York’s major capital plans for commuter rail, subways and buses

Here’s a look at the biggest projects being taken on by the Metropolitan Transportation Authority, Port Authority of New York and New Jersey, New Jersey Transit and Amtrak.


Cracking down on fare evasion on New York’s subways and buses

The Metropolitan Transportation Authority is taking steps to stem a problem that cost the transit agency $690 million in lost revenue last year.


The sometimes overlooked tech behind the MTA

From countdown clocks to signal modernization, here’s how the transit system is making much needed improvements.


Congestion pricing is (probably) a month away. Is New York City ready?

Advocates say transit improvements and strong public reporting will make congestion pricing a success, and maybe even win over skeptics. That is, assuming New York acts fast.


Danny O’Donnell endorses Eli Northrup to succeed him in Assembly

The longtime Assembly member is breaking from many Upper West Side political power brokers to endorse Northrup over opponent Micah Lasher.


2024 New York congressional primaries to watch

Setting the stage for November’s showdown.