Goodbye Vendor Lock-in, Hello Innovation

Accelerating innovation in the public sector with the power of PostgreSQL

Meeting customer and user experience expectations requires government IT departments to be agile, flexible, and innovative. But senior government IT leaders are finding this is difficult with legacy enterprise software and the resulting vendor lock-in. According to the Office of Management and Budget, the US government spends about $6B per year on licensed software and maintenance. Yet, many senior government leaders are not getting the results they need—or value they want—from that spend. 

The fact is, proprietary builds result in high costs of ownership without the agility needed to support evolving mission requirements. Senior government decision makers want the freedom to choose the solution that's going to put their needs first—that is, the ability to be sensitive to budget concerns while supporting the mission. 

There is an alternative, one that provides a cost-effective way to evolve and adapt, yet still use the legacy tools that are working for the agency.

Download the report to learn:

  • How open source tools provide the security, scalability, and agility the public sector needs.
  • Considerations for migrating from legacy enterprise platforms to PostgreSQL
  • How PostgreSQL helps save money and provide a secure means of speeding innovation.
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