
Cyber Director nominee talks AI, collaboration at confirmation hearing

Harry Coker, the Biden administration's choice to lead the Office of the National Cyber Director, said he'll draw on his experience as a program manager to make sure agencies hit their milestones on implementing the government's cyber strategy.


To solve national security problems, the US may have to rethink higher education

Advanced STEM degrees take too much time and cost too much, said the former science and tech head at Homeland Security.


From payment accuracy to program integrity

COMMENTARY | The staggering level of pandemic fraud coupled with mounting concerns about the size and trajectory of the nation’s debt load should elevate program integrity as a top management focus, writes one observer.


House speaker pitches funding plan with rolling shutdown threats

Different agencies would face different shutdown deadlines under House GOP proposal.


O’Malley vows to listen to frontline Social Security workers

President Biden’s pick to lead the embattled Social Security Administration said many of the agency’s challenges can be alleviated by a change in culture.

Pay & Benefits

Medicare Part D is coming to an FEHB plan near you

The prescription drug benefit is being automatically added to many of the FEHB program options for the 2024 plan year.


With catastrophes on the rise, a new report outlines how agencies can integrate their response

A new study from the National Academy of Public Administration and the IBM Center for the Business of Government details strategies the federal government can take to absorb the shock of unprecedented national and international events and mitigate their institutional risks. 


NASA’s robotic prospectors help scientists understand what asteroids are made of – setting the stage for miners to follow someday

Some companies hope to one day search for deposits that are literally out of this world — on asteroids.


Five Lessons for the coming AI talent surge

COMMENTARY | Some of what agencies learned while filling infrastructure roles can serve as examples for how to hire the AI workforce.


A tall task awaits O’Malley at Social Security

If confirmed, the former governor faces a likely uphill battle to lobby Congress for funding and to reverse a decades-long decline in staffing to alleviate workloads for a workforce in crisis.


DOJ, DHS would get more staffing for children in immigration courts under bipartisan bill

Lawmakers in both parties and chambers are hoping to reduce one of the most significant backlogs in government.


Biden administration plans a multi-agency effort to surge AI recruitment

Officials at the General Services Administration celebrated their forthcoming role to help recruit an AI-fluent workforce across the government, pursuant to the EO’s priorities.

Pay & Benefits

TSP funds’ tumble continues into October

Once again, only one portfolio in the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings program finished last month in the black.

Pay & Benefits

State and USAID employees abroad face an increased demand and an inadequate supply of mental health resources

The pandemic, war in Ukraine, and a general rise in demand for psychiatric services are some of the reasons the congressional watchdog cited for the strain on mental health resources.


OPM head previews coming cyber and IT hiring flexibilities

The personnel agency is also gearing up to recruit AI workers into the government as part of a talent surge called for in the recent AI executive order.


House GOP proposal to link IRS cuts to Israel aid draws quick, bipartisan criticism

House Republicans are so far ignoring Biden's request to link the aid with hiring surges at immigration and border security agencies.


The cyber workforce gap is growing

Despite a significant increase in the number of people entering the cyber field in 2023, demand is still far outpacing that supply.


White House tasks several agencies with responding to incidents of antisemitism and Islamophobia

The departments of Homeland Security, Justice and Education will all have roles to address what the White House sees as rising discrimination on college campuses.