
OPM reminds agencies of new telework reporting requirements

As agencies prep to increase in-person work this fall, the federal government’s HR agency is calling on officials to collect better data on telework and remote work usage in their workplaces.

Pay & Benefits

World Investor Week: Learn more and protect yourself

The global campaign promoted by the International Organization of Securities Commissions aims to raise awareness about the importance of investor education and protection.


With shutdown uncertainty still in the air, agency leaders need plans to support employees, expert says

The federal budget process is awash in volatility following the ouster of House Speaker Kevin McCarthy, and one health expert says agency leaders should not just plan for a shutdown, but also how to best support their employees through one.


House passes bill to limit education requirements for federal cyber roles

The push for skills-based hiring is already underway in the executive branch, where the Office of Personnel Management is reworking qualification standards for some government jobs.


The White House’s tech team, 10 years after

Mina Hsiang, the administrator of the U.S. Digital Service, was on the team that saved the flawed website supporting Affordable Care Act enrollment 10 years ago. Now, she leads the tech team born from that crisis.


OPM announces expansion of ‘continuous vetting’ security clearance process for current feds

After a successful pilot, the federal government’s HR agency and the Defense Counterintelligence and Security Agency set a goal of enrolling all employees in non-sensitive public trust positions in the new process for reviewing existing security clearances by the end of fiscal 2024.


National lab isn’t properly tracking sensitive and high-risk property, OIG says

A new report from the Energy Department’s inspector general found that Brookhaven National Laboratory hadn’t adequately classified crucial property, including “lasers, oscilloscopes, chemical /biological equipment … that accounted for approximately $183 million” in value. 

Pay & Benefits

A closer look at 2024 Federal Employee Health Benefits premiums

Wondering how the increase might impact your FEHB plan choice? We’ll walk you through it.


Report: DHS, USPS failing in their requirements to screen for opioids in the mail

A 2018 law aimed at preventing drug producers from shipping their goods through the mail is not being implemented, IG says.


U.S. House votes to remove Kevin McCarthy as speaker

It isn’t immediately clear how the House will proceed in the coming days.


OPM extends flexible hiring of military spouses

Interim regulations will allow federal agencies to hire the spouses of military service members outside of the traditional competitive hiring process through 2028.


Senators push for USPS identity proofing to thwart AI-generated deepfakes

The U.S. Postal Service already offers identity proofing services for some government agencies.


New cyber rules aim to standardize requirements for federal contractors

The proposed rules would create new information sharing and incident reporting requirements.

Pay & Benefits

The federal firefighter ‘pay cliff’ has been averted, for now

The 45-day continuing resolution preventing a government shutdown also includes language ensuring federal firefighters don’t lose access to recent pay increases whose funding was expected to run out this month.

Pay & Benefits

Report reveals differing federal employee insurance withholding information between USDA, OPM 

An OIG audit found differences of federal employee withholding reporting between the two agencies, leading to several employees being charged incorrect life insurance amounts and another wrongly waived from coverage.

Pay & Benefits

TSP funds continued to fall in September

For the second straight month, the vast majority of the portfolios in the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings program declined in value.


Feds' quantum encryption shift is most 'comprehensive' ever done, official says

Office of the National Cyber Director official Dylan Presman said there has been “nothing like this” effort to move critical assets to quantum-resistant encryption standards.