
‘Protect the Health’ of Employees Amid Poor Air Quality, OPM Reminds Employees

Wildfires in Canada have encased much of the Northeast and Mid-Atlantic in smoke and haze, raising health concerns for commuters and employees who work outside.


Wildfire Smoke Can Harm Human Health, Even When the Fire is Hundreds of Miles Away – a Toxicologist Explains Why

Smoke from more than 100 wildfires burning across Canada has been rolling into North American cities far from the flames.


Democrats: It's Time for the DHS Watchdog to Go

Two House lawmakers allege the inspector general violated the Federal Records Act when he deleted text messages on his government-issued phone.


The Library of Congress is Looking for the Next Oregon Trail Game

Video game developers can win up to $20,000 as part of a new video game contest from the Library of Congress meant to inspire civics-related games.


The DHS Watchdog Says He Deletes Texts. Lawmakers Want to Know If This Violates Records Preservation Laws.

Two lawmakers have also introduced a bill to increase transparency in the Homeland Security Inspector General office.

Pay & Benefits

The 'Pay Cliff' That Could Cripple the Federal Government's Firefighting Workforce

A federal employee union said Wednesday that without a permanent boost to federal wildland firefighters’ pay and benefits, agencies will see a “mass exodus.”

Pay & Benefits

Some Feds Fear They Might Not Get That Pay Raise Now That the Debt Deal is Inked

“The new debt ceiling deal could somehow encourage some in Congress to try for a limitation of 1% or something very low. This would be a huge problem,” says one fed union leader.


To Escape Bullies, Military ‘Forced to Move’ Families with LGBTQ+ Kids

Harassment of children is "detracting from our readiness," says top Air Force manpower official, "because their school will do nothing when their LGBT kid is being bullied."


Labor Authority's General Counsel Post Could Finally Be Filled with a New Nominee

The position, which is required for unfair labor practice complaints to advance to the Federal Labor Relations Authority for adjudication, has lacked a Senate-confirmed appointee since 2017.


The White House Threatens Vetoes Over Regulations Bills

The House is scheduled to vote on these bills this week, but so far has failed to pass the initial procedural measure.


Lawmakers Squabble Over DHS Staffing Levels, IG's Credibility

Republicans say Biden's border approach is causing employees' morale to tank, though Democrats say they are using faulty data.


It’s Been 6-Plus Years Without a Permanent Head of Governmentwide Financial Management

The last presidentially appointed, Senate-confirmed controller at the Office of Management and Budget left in January 2017.


Phil Kiviat, Long-Time Advocate for Better Government, Dies at 85

He will be remembered for his work to foster closer relationships between government and industry through building trust.

Pay & Benefits

TSP Participants Sue Agency Over ‘Botched’ Recordkeeper Transition

A class action lawsuit filed last week alleges that the federal government’s 401(k)-style retirement savings program repeatedly failed to pay out participants’ withdrawal and loan requests for months following the transition to a new recordkeeping vendor.