All Eyes On You
Once, only your boss's opinion mattered at appraisal time. If the 360-degree feedback craze continues, you may find yourself ringed by raters, including your co-workers, subordinates and even your customers.
magine how your boss, colleagues or customers might rate you on a 1-to-10 scale on the following characteristics taken from various agencies' 360-degree feedback forms.
- Delivers quality products/services that address customer requirements.
- Meets essential deadlines and commitments.
- Shares knowledge effectively; works cooperatively with others to achieve goals.
- Adapts willingly and in a timely way to changing assignments, priorities and responsibilities.
- Establishes realistic work objectives and goals.
- Works with employees to identify and prioritize training/career needs.
- Clearly delegates both routine and important tasks/decisions.
- Can change tactics midstream when something isn't working.
- Can inspire and motivate staff.
- Respects and utilizes the talents and capabilities of a culturally diverse group of employees.
- Uses time effectively and efficiently.
- Can orchestrate multiple activities at once to accomplish a task.
NEXT STORY: Another Federal Code to Crack