It's Your Right

y law, agency employees and managers have specific rights that have formed the foundation of labor-management relations. Here's how the rights break down:

Federal employees have the right to:

  • Form, join or assist any labor union, or refrain from such activity, freely and without fear of penalty or reprisal.
  • Act as a representative of a labor union and, in that capacity, present the union's views to agency heads, Congress and other authorities.
  • Through an elected representative, engage in collective bargaining on conditions of employment-personnel policies, practices and issues, whether established by rule, regulation or otherwise, that affect working conditions.

Federal managers have the right to:

  • Determine an agency's mission, budget, organization, number of employees and internal security practices.
  • Hire, assign, direct, lay off and retain employees, or suspend, remove, reduce in grade or pay, or take other disciplinary actions against employees.
  • Assign work, make determinations on contracting out and determine personnel needed to operate agency.
  • Take any necessary actions to carry out agency mission during emergencies.

Management rights-known as (b)(1) subjects-that management may elect to negotiate with unions:

  • Numbers, types and grades of employees or positions assigned to any organizational subdivision, work project or tour of duty.
  • Technology, methods and means of performing work.

Source: Title 5 of the U.S. Code