Office Products Guide

In September, the General Services Administration will unveil a revolutionary design for federal office space at its 82-year-old headquarters building. Also, the newest and most indispensable tools for your business, from copiers and faxes to presentation software and furniture.

Cubicle Control
Imagine gaining control over the heating, cooling, lighting and airflow in your workspace. If GSA's experiment is successful, more and more workers could be doing just that.

And the Survey Says
GSA's Public Buildings Service Office of Building Performance surveys 300,000 to 400,000 federal tenants every other year.

Copiers, Faxes and Combos
In the not-too-distant future, the days of stand-alone printers, copiers and fax machines will be a dim memory.

Energy and Environment
Upgrade your building's heating, cooling, lighting or ventilation without spending a cent in direct capital costs.

Presentation Software
New developments in presentation software.

Beyond Bells and Whistles
Cool graphics, laser pointers and the like might help you grab the audience's attention, but if you want them to learn, remember or even act based on your presentation, it's you that matters.

Vast changes in the way people work and the way offices are designed call for vast changes in office furniture.

Where to go for more information on innovations in office products.