Government Executive Vol. 37 No.13
From the Ground Up
The Air Force confronts a future in which ground-based controllers and unmanned aircraft are ascendant, while the number of new fighter planes is falling.
By Katherine McIntire Peters -
Revision Time
Homeland Security officials hope a new organizational blueprint will improve operations.
By Katherine McIntire Peters and Amelia Gruber -
Survival of What Fits
Sometimes, the best way to manage change is to resist it.
By Shane Harris -
Deep Trouble
Dire assessments of the oceans' decline send the White House, Congress and NOAA fishing for solutions.
By Beth Dickey
London's Lessons
Reorganizing intelligence agencies and beefing up their budgets might not be enough. By Jason Vest -
Mr. Dots
The Defense Intelligence Agency's technology chief has something he wants to share. By Shane Harris -
Cheap Rewards
Some agencies reward quality work by extending contracts, but critics wonder who's minding the store. By Kimberly Palmer -
Leadership Profile
In the Hole
Bradley Belt struggles to keep the pension bailout fund afloat. By Alina Tugend
Tech Insider
To Card or Token
Thin sheets of plastic slightly larger than credit cards are changing the way government employees identify themselves. By Daniel Pulliam -
Management Matters
Crisis Management
There is a method to the madness. By Brian Friel -
Political World
BRAC Breakdown
Only in theory are base closings apolitical. By Charles Mahtesian -
Almost Excellent
The last step to improving services for veterans is the toughest. By Mark Catlett -
The New Diplomacy
Foreign Service employees stretch their skills for an evolving mission. By W. Robert Pearson
Editor's Notebook
Government's constancy is a virtue, but also a handicap in the face of change. - Letters
The Buzz
It's spies vs. spies, clearing clearances and a yen for private mail. -
In seeking to protect government sources-even self-serving ones-reporters perform a public service. By Tom Shoop
NEXT STORY: Government Executive Vol. 37 No.12